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Fallout 4 United We Stand Perk

broken image

Companion Perk: United We Stand - Deal +20% damage and gain +20 Damage Resistance any time you're fighting 3 or more enemies (which is almost always). Obviously it's a very strong perk, particularly early in the game when +20 DR really matters, though the damage boost is the main draw here. Companion Perks in Fallout 4 are perks you gain via Companions. United We Stand: Damage +20% and +20 damage resistance when facing three or more opponents. Perk: United We Stand - +20% damage and damage resistance when facing 3 or more opponents. Piper - Diamond City; Romance: Yes; Perk: Gift of Gab - +100% experience bonus for Speech challenges and discovering new locations. Nick Valentine - Vault 114; Romance: No; Perk: Close to Metal - One extra guess and 50% cooldown reduction when hacking. Strong - Trinity Tower.

< Cannibal
Fallout 4
Fallout 4
RequirementsEndurance 8
Level 1, 19, and 38
EffectsRegain Hit Points by feeding on corpses
base id0004b259 (level 1)

001d1a62 (level 2)

001d1a63 (level 3)
For the act, see Cannibalism.

With the Cannibal perk, when you're in Sneak mode, you gain the option to eat a corpse to regain Health. But every time you feed, you lose Karma, and if the act is witnessed, it is considered a crime against nature.

'— In-game description, Fallout 3
Fallout 4 United We Stand Perk

Cannibal is a perk that can be utilized in Fallout 3, Fallout: New Vegas, and Fallout 4.

  • 1Effects
    • 1.2Fallout: New Vegas


Fallout 4 united we stand perk

Fallout 4 United We Stand Perk

Fallout 3

With the Cannibal perk, you are able to feast on dead humans and non-feral ghouls by being in sneak mode and activating the 'Devour' option. The feast will restore 25 hit points, but add 2 rads and cause you to lose one point of Karma. If anyone sees you devour a human, it is considered a crime against nature, turning all friendly non-player character's in the area hostile.

It also expands dialogue options with The Family in the Blood Ties quest and when speaking with Jack Smith in Andale (without the perk, this option requires a speech check).

Fallout: New Vegas

The perk functions the same as it did in Fallout 3, except that it can be acquired much earlier (at level 4 instead of level 12). Should Hardcore mode be enabled, corpses will also reduce the starvation meter by 25. After consuming 25 corpses, the player will acquire the Dine and Dash challenge perk, allowing them to harvest human remains, rather than eat the corpse directly. Office kms activator 2016 ultimate.

Fallout 4 preston

Cannibal also provides additional dialogue options; in the Beyond the Beef quest, when talking to Marjorie, there's a dialogue option that says, ' It's okay, you can be honest with me. I eat people too, you know'. With this perk, the 'lie' part is erased. Mortimer also has some dialogue options. In addition, in Dead Money, you can ask Dog how the ghost people taste.


  • In Old World Blues the player can also eat the corpses trapped inside Y-17 trauma override harnesses.
  • There is a hidden challenge perk tied to Cannibalism that is undocumented even in the official strategy guide. This perk is called 'Meat of Champions' and in order to gain it, you must feed on Mr. House, President Kimball, The King, and Caesar.

Fallout 4

Preston garvey fallout 4

The Cannibal perk grants the ability to feast on humanoid corpses to restore lost health.

'Fallout 4 loading screen hints

With the first rank of this perk, feasting on human corpses restores a small amount of health. The second rank allows one to eat ghouls and super mutants to regain lost health as well. The third rank significantly increases the amount of health restored whenever eating human, ghoul or super mutant corpses. Cannibalizing corpses in Survival difficulty will lead to the dark craving effect.

StrengthStrength Training ·Iron Fist ·Big Leagues ·Armorer ·Blacksmith ·Heavy Gunner ·Strong Back ·Steady Aim ·Basher ·Rooted ·Pain Train ·Locomotive (perk) ·Rocketeer
PerceptionPerception Training ·Pickpocket ·Rifleman ·Awareness ·Locksmith ·Demolition Expert ·Night Person ·Refractor ·Sniper ·Penetrator ·Concentrated Fire
EnduranceEndurance Training ·Toughness ·Lead Belly ·Life Giver ·Chem Resistant ·Aquaboy/girl ·Rad Resistant ·Adamantium Skeleton ·Cannibal ·Ghoulish ·Solar Powered
CharismaCharisma Training ·Cap Collector ·Lady Killer/Black Widow ·Lone Wanderer ·Attack Dog ·Animal Friend ·Local Leader ·Party Boy ·Inspirational ·Wasteland Whisperer ·Intimidation
IntelligenceIntelligence Training ·V.A.N.S. ·Medic ·Gun Nut ·Hacker ·Scrapper ·Science! ·Chemist ·Robotics Expert ·Nuclear Physicist ·Nerd Rage!
AgilityAgility Training ·Gunslinger ·Commando ·Sneak ·Mister Sandman ·Action Boy/Girl ·Moving Target ·Ninja ·Quick Hands ·Blitz ·Gun-Fu
LuckLuck Training ·Fortune Finder ·Scrounger ·Bloody Mess ·Mysterious Stranger ·Idiot Savant ·Better Criticals ·Critical Banker ·Grim Reaper's Sprint ·Four Leaf Clover ·Ricochet
Companion perksBerserk ·Cloak & Dagger ·Close To Metal ·Combat Medic ·Gift Of Gab ·Hunter's Wisdom ·Isodoped ·Killshot ·Know Your Enemy ·Lessons in Blood ·Robot Sympathy ·Shield Harmonics ·Trigger Rush ·United We Stand
Resting perksLover's Embrace ·Quiet Reflection ·Well Rested
Miscellaneous perksAdrenaline
Italics denote perks available through add-ons.
Retrieved from ''

Fallout 4 United We Stand Perkara

Cheats and Item Codes in Fallout 4 can be used to enable godmode, infinite weapon ammo, Kill all NPCs and more. Once the wasteland gets a little hard to survive, you can open up the console command in PC and try one of the cheats below. This Fallout 4 Cheats guide will show you how to enable the Console Command and activate cheat codes.

How to Activate Fallout 4 Console Commands

For most of the game, the Tilde '~' is the standard way to open up the in-game console. Bethesda has done no different, simply press the tilde which is just beside the '1' on your keyboard. Now a dark grey console on the lower half of the game screen will pop up. Now here you need to insert the cheats(list below) and press enter to activate. The Cheats will help you achieve infinite health(god mode) to adding all the items in your inventory you need.

Fallout 4 Item Codes

  • tgm – God Mode (infinite health, ammo, AP)
  • tai – Toggle all NPC AI on / off.
  • tcai – Toggle NPC combat AI on / off.
  • tcl – Turn NoClip mode on / off.
  • tmm 1 – Show all markers on the map.
  • unlock – Unlock selected door / terminal
  • tfc – Enable free-roaming camera
  • Kill – Kill the selected target
  • KillAll – Kill all NPCs in the immediate area.
  • player.additem [item code] [#] – Add an item to your inventory.
  • player.placeatme [object code] – Spawn an item or NPC nearby.
  • player.setlevel [level] – Advance to the indicated experience level

Console Command Item Codes

Here is the complete list of item codes which you can replace the base id in the console command with the cheat to get them.

General Item Codes

  • Bottlecap – 0000000F
  • Stimpak – 00023736
  • Rad Away – 00023742
  • Fusion Core – 00075FE4
  • Nuka-Cola Quantum – 0004835F

Bobblehead Item Codes

  • Perception Bobblehead – 00178B5D
  • Strength Bobblehead – 00178b63
  • Endurance Bobblehead – 00178b55
  • Charisma Bobblehead – 00178b54
  • Intelligence Bobblehead – 00178b58
  • Agility Bobblehead – 00178b51
  • Luck Bobblehead – 00178b5a
  • Barter Bobblehead – 00178b52
  • Big Guns Bobblehead – 00178b53
  • Energy Weapons Bobblehead – 00178b56
  • Explosive Bobblehead – 00178b57
  • Lock Picking Bobblehead – 00178b59
  • Medicine Bobblehead – 00178b5b
  • Melee Bobblehead – 00178b5c
  • Repair Bobblehead – 00178b5e
  • Science Bobblehead – 00178b5F
  • Small Guns Bobblehead – 00178b60
  • Sneak Bobblehead – 00178b61
  • Speech Bobblehead – 00178b62
  • Unarmed Bobblehead – 00178b64

Books Code

  • You're Special! – 001a62d4

Companions Console Code

  • Cait – 00079305
  • Codsworth – 0001ca7d
  • Curie – 00102249
  • Dogmeat – 0001d162
  • Deacon – 00050976
  • John Hancock – 00022615
  • Robert MacCready – 0002a8a7
  • Paladin Danse – 0005de4d
  • Piper – 00002f1f
  • Preston Garvey – 0001a4d7
  • Strong – 0003f2bb
  • Nick Valentine – 00002f25
  • X6-88 – 000e210a

Companion Perks Cheats

  • Cait – Trigger Rush – 001f4187
  • Codsworth – Robot Sympathy – 001eb99b
  • Curie – Combat Medic – 001e67bc
  • Deacon – Cloak & Dagger – 0008530e
  • John Hancock – Isodoped – 00178d57
  • Nick Valentine – Close to Metal – 001e67bd
  • Paladin Danse – Know Your Enemy – 008428d
  • Pipe – Gift of Gab – 00178d54
  • Preston Garvey – United We Stand – 0084298
  • Robert MacCready – Killshot – 00178d50
  • Strong – Beserk – 00084290
  • X6-88 – Shield Harmonics – 000842a0

Mini-Game Pip-Boy Tapes Codes

  • Atomic Command – 0006167b
  • Grognak & The Ruby Ruins – 000727fa
  • Pipfall – 00072802
  • Red Menace – 000e5082
  • Zeta Invaders – 00072803

Legendary Unique Weapon Codes Fallout 4

  • Deathclaw Gauntlets – d8576
  • Power Fist – 11b336
  • Junk Jet – e942b
  • Hallucigen Gas Grenade – e98e5
  • Grognak's Axe – ff002c79
  • Homing Beacon – 65dec
  • Institute Beacon – 174f8f
  • Broadsider – fd11b
  • Kremvh's Tooth – 00225b5e
  • Shem Drowne Sword – ff00364a
  • Lorenzo's Artifact Gun – ff001a74
  • Shishkebab – ff001532
  • Suppressed Deliverer Pistol – ff001a23
  • 2076 World Series Baseball Bat – ff003687
  • Zeta Gun – ff001dec
  • Alien Blaster Pistol – ff0010ea
  • Broadsider – ff0036c9
  • Cryolator – 00171B2B
  • Experiment 18-A – ff001795
  • Revolutionary Sword – 143ab5
  • Chinese Officer Sword – 147be4
  • Shem Drowne's Sword – 238734
  • Syringer Rifle – 14d09e

Weapons Codes Cheat

  • Minigun – 0001F669
  • Fat Man Mini-Nuke Launcher – 000BD56F
  • Flamer – ff002e24
  • Gatling Laser – ff002e1f
  • Gauss Rifle – ff0036d3
  • Missile Launcher – ff0031dc
  • Power Fist – ff0017f0
  • Revolutionary Sword – ff0019f9
  • Railway Rifle – ff0026ce
  • Submachine Gun – ff0031b5
  • Combat Shotgun – ff00268c
  • Walking Cane – ff001e22
  • Ripper – ff0031b5

Armor Codes

  • Minutemen General's Uniform – ff001cd6
  • Minutemen General's Hat – ff001ebc
  • Kellogg's Outfit – ff000df8
  • Colonial Duster – ff003687
  • Grognak Costume – ff0036c9
  • Hazmat Suit – ff001f66
  • Quinlan's Armor – ff00281b
  • Vault 81 Jumpsuit – ff002b82
  • Vault 114 Jumpsuit – ff00396f
  • Vault 111 Jumpsuit – ff001e77
  • Vault 101 Jumpsuit – ff001bad
  • T-45 Power Armor Helm – 00154abf
  • T-45 Power Armor Left Arm – 00154abd
  • T-45 Power Armor Left Leg – 00154ac0
  • T-45 Power Armor Right Arm – 00154abe
  • T-45 Power Armor Right Leg – 00154ac1
  • T-45 Power Armor Chest – 00154ac2
  • T-60 Power Armor Helm – 00140c4a
  • T-60 Power Armor Left Arm – 00140c3d
  • T-60 Power Armor Left Leg – 00140c49
  • T-60 Power Armor Right Arm – 00140c45
  • T-60 Power Armor Right Leg – 00140c3f
  • T-60 Power Armor Chest – 00140c42
  • X-01 Power Armor Helm – 00154ac5
  • X-01 Power Armor Left Arm – 00154ac3
  • X-01 Power Armor Left Leg – 00154ac6
  • X-01 Power Armor Right Arm – 00154ac4
  • X-01 Power Armor Right Leg – 00154ac7
  • X-01 Power Armor Chest – 00154ac8

Ammo Codes

  • 5mm Rounds – 0001F66C
  • .308 Rounds – ff00272d
  • .38 Rounds – ff003561
  • .44 Rounds – ff002685
  • Alien Blaster Ammo – ff002339
  • Cannonball – ff0027cf
  • Flamer Fuel – ff0015fd
  • Fusion Cell – ff001e8a
  • Gamma Rounds – ff002843
  • Mini-Nuke – 000E6B2E
  • Missiles – ff003983
  • Plasma Cartridge – ff00366b
  • Railroad Spikes – ff002979
  • Cryo Cell – 0018ABE2

Preston Garvey Perk

Item Codes

Fallout 4 Best Companion Perks

  • Duct Tape – 0004D1F2
  • Fibre Optics – 00069087
  • Screw – 00069081
  • Aluminium – 0006907A
  • Nuclear Material – 00069086
  • Toy Alien – 00059B2B
  • Large Baby Bottle – 001A899B
  • Military Grade Circuit Board – 00154AD2
  • Springs – 00069082
  • Circuitry – 0006907B
  • Ceramics – 000AEC5E
  • Camera – 00059A83

These were all the Fallout 4 Cheats you need to activate in the game. Do check our other Fallout Tricks, Tips, and Mods.


Cannibal is a perk that can be utilized in Fallout 3, Fallout: New Vegas, and Fallout 4.

  • 1Effects
    • 1.2Fallout: New Vegas


Fallout 4 United We Stand Perk

Fallout 3

With the Cannibal perk, you are able to feast on dead humans and non-feral ghouls by being in sneak mode and activating the 'Devour' option. The feast will restore 25 hit points, but add 2 rads and cause you to lose one point of Karma. If anyone sees you devour a human, it is considered a crime against nature, turning all friendly non-player character's in the area hostile.

It also expands dialogue options with The Family in the Blood Ties quest and when speaking with Jack Smith in Andale (without the perk, this option requires a speech check).

Fallout: New Vegas

The perk functions the same as it did in Fallout 3, except that it can be acquired much earlier (at level 4 instead of level 12). Should Hardcore mode be enabled, corpses will also reduce the starvation meter by 25. After consuming 25 corpses, the player will acquire the Dine and Dash challenge perk, allowing them to harvest human remains, rather than eat the corpse directly. Office kms activator 2016 ultimate.

Cannibal also provides additional dialogue options; in the Beyond the Beef quest, when talking to Marjorie, there's a dialogue option that says, ' It's okay, you can be honest with me. I eat people too, you know'. With this perk, the 'lie' part is erased. Mortimer also has some dialogue options. In addition, in Dead Money, you can ask Dog how the ghost people taste.


  • In Old World Blues the player can also eat the corpses trapped inside Y-17 trauma override harnesses.
  • There is a hidden challenge perk tied to Cannibalism that is undocumented even in the official strategy guide. This perk is called 'Meat of Champions' and in order to gain it, you must feed on Mr. House, President Kimball, The King, and Caesar.

Fallout 4


The Cannibal perk grants the ability to feast on humanoid corpses to restore lost health.

'Fallout 4 loading screen hints

With the first rank of this perk, feasting on human corpses restores a small amount of health. The second rank allows one to eat ghouls and super mutants to regain lost health as well. The third rank significantly increases the amount of health restored whenever eating human, ghoul or super mutant corpses. Cannibalizing corpses in Survival difficulty will lead to the dark craving effect.

StrengthStrength Training ·Iron Fist ·Big Leagues ·Armorer ·Blacksmith ·Heavy Gunner ·Strong Back ·Steady Aim ·Basher ·Rooted ·Pain Train ·Locomotive (perk) ·Rocketeer
PerceptionPerception Training ·Pickpocket ·Rifleman ·Awareness ·Locksmith ·Demolition Expert ·Night Person ·Refractor ·Sniper ·Penetrator ·Concentrated Fire
EnduranceEndurance Training ·Toughness ·Lead Belly ·Life Giver ·Chem Resistant ·Aquaboy/girl ·Rad Resistant ·Adamantium Skeleton ·Cannibal ·Ghoulish ·Solar Powered
CharismaCharisma Training ·Cap Collector ·Lady Killer/Black Widow ·Lone Wanderer ·Attack Dog ·Animal Friend ·Local Leader ·Party Boy ·Inspirational ·Wasteland Whisperer ·Intimidation
IntelligenceIntelligence Training ·V.A.N.S. ·Medic ·Gun Nut ·Hacker ·Scrapper ·Science! ·Chemist ·Robotics Expert ·Nuclear Physicist ·Nerd Rage!
AgilityAgility Training ·Gunslinger ·Commando ·Sneak ·Mister Sandman ·Action Boy/Girl ·Moving Target ·Ninja ·Quick Hands ·Blitz ·Gun-Fu
LuckLuck Training ·Fortune Finder ·Scrounger ·Bloody Mess ·Mysterious Stranger ·Idiot Savant ·Better Criticals ·Critical Banker ·Grim Reaper's Sprint ·Four Leaf Clover ·Ricochet
Companion perksBerserk ·Cloak & Dagger ·Close To Metal ·Combat Medic ·Gift Of Gab ·Hunter's Wisdom ·Isodoped ·Killshot ·Know Your Enemy ·Lessons in Blood ·Robot Sympathy ·Shield Harmonics ·Trigger Rush ·United We Stand
Resting perksLover's Embrace ·Quiet Reflection ·Well Rested
Miscellaneous perksAdrenaline
Italics denote perks available through add-ons.
Retrieved from ''

Fallout 4 United We Stand Perkara

Cheats and Item Codes in Fallout 4 can be used to enable godmode, infinite weapon ammo, Kill all NPCs and more. Once the wasteland gets a little hard to survive, you can open up the console command in PC and try one of the cheats below. This Fallout 4 Cheats guide will show you how to enable the Console Command and activate cheat codes.

How to Activate Fallout 4 Console Commands

For most of the game, the Tilde '~' is the standard way to open up the in-game console. Bethesda has done no different, simply press the tilde which is just beside the '1' on your keyboard. Now a dark grey console on the lower half of the game screen will pop up. Now here you need to insert the cheats(list below) and press enter to activate. The Cheats will help you achieve infinite health(god mode) to adding all the items in your inventory you need.

Fallout 4 Item Codes

  • tgm – God Mode (infinite health, ammo, AP)
  • tai – Toggle all NPC AI on / off.
  • tcai – Toggle NPC combat AI on / off.
  • tcl – Turn NoClip mode on / off.
  • tmm 1 – Show all markers on the map.
  • unlock – Unlock selected door / terminal
  • tfc – Enable free-roaming camera
  • Kill – Kill the selected target
  • KillAll – Kill all NPCs in the immediate area.
  • player.additem [item code] [#] – Add an item to your inventory.
  • player.placeatme [object code] – Spawn an item or NPC nearby.
  • player.setlevel [level] – Advance to the indicated experience level

Console Command Item Codes

Here is the complete list of item codes which you can replace the base id in the console command with the cheat to get them.

General Item Codes

  • Bottlecap – 0000000F
  • Stimpak – 00023736
  • Rad Away – 00023742
  • Fusion Core – 00075FE4
  • Nuka-Cola Quantum – 0004835F

Bobblehead Item Codes

  • Perception Bobblehead – 00178B5D
  • Strength Bobblehead – 00178b63
  • Endurance Bobblehead – 00178b55
  • Charisma Bobblehead – 00178b54
  • Intelligence Bobblehead – 00178b58
  • Agility Bobblehead – 00178b51
  • Luck Bobblehead – 00178b5a
  • Barter Bobblehead – 00178b52
  • Big Guns Bobblehead – 00178b53
  • Energy Weapons Bobblehead – 00178b56
  • Explosive Bobblehead – 00178b57
  • Lock Picking Bobblehead – 00178b59
  • Medicine Bobblehead – 00178b5b
  • Melee Bobblehead – 00178b5c
  • Repair Bobblehead – 00178b5e
  • Science Bobblehead – 00178b5F
  • Small Guns Bobblehead – 00178b60
  • Sneak Bobblehead – 00178b61
  • Speech Bobblehead – 00178b62
  • Unarmed Bobblehead – 00178b64

Books Code

  • You're Special! – 001a62d4

Companions Console Code

  • Cait – 00079305
  • Codsworth – 0001ca7d
  • Curie – 00102249
  • Dogmeat – 0001d162
  • Deacon – 00050976
  • John Hancock – 00022615
  • Robert MacCready – 0002a8a7
  • Paladin Danse – 0005de4d
  • Piper – 00002f1f
  • Preston Garvey – 0001a4d7
  • Strong – 0003f2bb
  • Nick Valentine – 00002f25
  • X6-88 – 000e210a

Companion Perks Cheats

  • Cait – Trigger Rush – 001f4187
  • Codsworth – Robot Sympathy – 001eb99b
  • Curie – Combat Medic – 001e67bc
  • Deacon – Cloak & Dagger – 0008530e
  • John Hancock – Isodoped – 00178d57
  • Nick Valentine – Close to Metal – 001e67bd
  • Paladin Danse – Know Your Enemy – 008428d
  • Pipe – Gift of Gab – 00178d54
  • Preston Garvey – United We Stand – 0084298
  • Robert MacCready – Killshot – 00178d50
  • Strong – Beserk – 00084290
  • X6-88 – Shield Harmonics – 000842a0

Mini-Game Pip-Boy Tapes Codes

  • Atomic Command – 0006167b
  • Grognak & The Ruby Ruins – 000727fa
  • Pipfall – 00072802
  • Red Menace – 000e5082
  • Zeta Invaders – 00072803

Legendary Unique Weapon Codes Fallout 4

  • Deathclaw Gauntlets – d8576
  • Power Fist – 11b336
  • Junk Jet – e942b
  • Hallucigen Gas Grenade – e98e5
  • Grognak's Axe – ff002c79
  • Homing Beacon – 65dec
  • Institute Beacon – 174f8f
  • Broadsider – fd11b
  • Kremvh's Tooth – 00225b5e
  • Shem Drowne Sword – ff00364a
  • Lorenzo's Artifact Gun – ff001a74
  • Shishkebab – ff001532
  • Suppressed Deliverer Pistol – ff001a23
  • 2076 World Series Baseball Bat – ff003687
  • Zeta Gun – ff001dec
  • Alien Blaster Pistol – ff0010ea
  • Broadsider – ff0036c9
  • Cryolator – 00171B2B
  • Experiment 18-A – ff001795
  • Revolutionary Sword – 143ab5
  • Chinese Officer Sword – 147be4
  • Shem Drowne's Sword – 238734
  • Syringer Rifle – 14d09e

Weapons Codes Cheat

  • Minigun – 0001F669
  • Fat Man Mini-Nuke Launcher – 000BD56F
  • Flamer – ff002e24
  • Gatling Laser – ff002e1f
  • Gauss Rifle – ff0036d3
  • Missile Launcher – ff0031dc
  • Power Fist – ff0017f0
  • Revolutionary Sword – ff0019f9
  • Railway Rifle – ff0026ce
  • Submachine Gun – ff0031b5
  • Combat Shotgun – ff00268c
  • Walking Cane – ff001e22
  • Ripper – ff0031b5

Armor Codes

  • Minutemen General's Uniform – ff001cd6
  • Minutemen General's Hat – ff001ebc
  • Kellogg's Outfit – ff000df8
  • Colonial Duster – ff003687
  • Grognak Costume – ff0036c9
  • Hazmat Suit – ff001f66
  • Quinlan's Armor – ff00281b
  • Vault 81 Jumpsuit – ff002b82
  • Vault 114 Jumpsuit – ff00396f
  • Vault 111 Jumpsuit – ff001e77
  • Vault 101 Jumpsuit – ff001bad
  • T-45 Power Armor Helm – 00154abf
  • T-45 Power Armor Left Arm – 00154abd
  • T-45 Power Armor Left Leg – 00154ac0
  • T-45 Power Armor Right Arm – 00154abe
  • T-45 Power Armor Right Leg – 00154ac1
  • T-45 Power Armor Chest – 00154ac2
  • T-60 Power Armor Helm – 00140c4a
  • T-60 Power Armor Left Arm – 00140c3d
  • T-60 Power Armor Left Leg – 00140c49
  • T-60 Power Armor Right Arm – 00140c45
  • T-60 Power Armor Right Leg – 00140c3f
  • T-60 Power Armor Chest – 00140c42
  • X-01 Power Armor Helm – 00154ac5
  • X-01 Power Armor Left Arm – 00154ac3
  • X-01 Power Armor Left Leg – 00154ac6
  • X-01 Power Armor Right Arm – 00154ac4
  • X-01 Power Armor Right Leg – 00154ac7
  • X-01 Power Armor Chest – 00154ac8

Ammo Codes

  • 5mm Rounds – 0001F66C
  • .308 Rounds – ff00272d
  • .38 Rounds – ff003561
  • .44 Rounds – ff002685
  • Alien Blaster Ammo – ff002339
  • Cannonball – ff0027cf
  • Flamer Fuel – ff0015fd
  • Fusion Cell – ff001e8a
  • Gamma Rounds – ff002843
  • Mini-Nuke – 000E6B2E
  • Missiles – ff003983
  • Plasma Cartridge – ff00366b
  • Railroad Spikes – ff002979
  • Cryo Cell – 0018ABE2

Preston Garvey Perk

Item Codes

Fallout 4 Best Companion Perks

  • Duct Tape – 0004D1F2
  • Fibre Optics – 00069087
  • Screw – 00069081
  • Aluminium – 0006907A
  • Nuclear Material – 00069086
  • Toy Alien – 00059B2B
  • Large Baby Bottle – 001A899B
  • Military Grade Circuit Board – 00154AD2
  • Springs – 00069082
  • Circuitry – 0006907B
  • Ceramics – 000AEC5E
  • Camera – 00059A83

These were all the Fallout 4 Cheats you need to activate in the game. Do check our other Fallout Tricks, Tips, and Mods.

broken image